Father's Day and new traditions

Father's Day is when we spread my Dads ashes on the property he most loved and worked so hard for...
My Dad was and still is a huge part of my life. He taught me so many things... To dream big, to never give up, and that I could do and have anything. I'd just have to work hard for it.
My Dad worked long hard hours, and I remember wishing he didn't have to work so hard.
His work took him away from his family... I believe more than any of us wanted.
I'm not saying, he wasn't there for us... He was, and we had our family times. Drives in the country, weekends on our houseboat, cookouts and more.
His work just wore him out, and he'd come home, eat, sit in his recliner with his Bourbon old fashion, watch TV and fall asleep.
Dad wanted his family to have a life after he was gone, and he did everything he knew to make that possible.
Now, as I look back to what took him, #Dementia I believe it was Papa God saying, You worked hard enough.
I truly believe this, because he never slowed down. If he wasn't working his business... He was always working on the house, property, or the pool.
Not too much ever slowed him down.
I also believe that no one should ever have to work that hard to achieve their dreams, and personally... My dream is to show the world, and my grandchildren ANYTHING is possible!
I believe there is a time for everything, and we should make a Schedule for everything. Will things get in the way sometimes? Yes, but Family time is important.
I see this more and more these days, when I see my husband working so hard.
Life is too short and I want to make it possible for my husband to retire, and have more family time.
Thisโ˜๐Ÿผis why I do what I do...

So, long story short ( because I could go on for days) as my husband and I were walking around Walmart doing grocery shopping... It hit me to get him a card.

My wonderful husband actually picked out the card... He said, "Your Dad would like this one." We looked at others, and both agreed the one he chose... Was perfect.

I put it on the mantle behind the small Urn I have of Dads ashes.

Here's to you Dad! Happy Father's Day in Heaven! ๐Ÿ’ž Thank you for you commitment, dedication and love.

#NewTradition #MemoriesOfDad #HappyFathersDayInHeaven #FathersDay2019 #MissYouDad
