Facing Your Giants! Encouragement for how to be as confident & as bold as David, in defeating your life’s Goliath.

Life lessons from the story ‘David & Goliath’ for us to use in facing the GIANTS in our own lives:

 You are never too young to face your giants and defeat them – even if they are a trained destroyer, prepared for battle since birth like Goliath. Don’t let others limit you because they pass judgement on you being too young, just like Saul did to David:

“And Saul said to David, Thou art not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him: for thou art but a youth, and he a man of war from his youth.” 1 Samuel 17:33

You don’t need matched experience! For when you have confidence in your given abilities and talents, you can face someone with a wealth of experience, even if you are the underdog on paper like David was.

 When the 9 foot 9 inches Goliath scares everyone else around you, don’t let their fear convince you that you must be afraid too. David held his own ground independently to all the others who were too afraid to.

 Even if no one else is willing to challenge the giant you still can. David had the confidence to challenge Goliath and win, when no one else did.

 You can perfect your skill using a sling and win – even if everyone else who thinks they are ‘above’ a simple shepherd like David, uses swords. Belief doesn’t have a hierarchy or class system, you either have enough belief to think you have a chance of winning or you don’t. You either think God will make it work out okay in the end or you don’t believe he can.

 Even if the giant has protective armour all around it weighing at least 155 pounds like Goliath’s armour, that doesn’t mean you can not locate their weak spot and penetrate past their defences. Just like David did to hit Goliath in just the right spot to knock him down to the floor defenceless.

 David and his stone in sling, were against a giant armed with a 6.5foot spear. He didn’t let the small resources he had in comparison, put him off the battle. Instead he made the most out of what he had. So even if you don’t think you have what it takes to get the job done, try anyway with the equipment and resources you do have that can still get the job done, even if it’s in a different way to the people who have better equipment for the battle.

 This shows there is always another way in which we can defeat some of the giants that overshadow our minds and thoughts, but we need to be content in what we have in life and make the most out of them!

How we can be just as confident & as bold as David, in defeating your own life’s Goliath:

Even if your giants taunt you as you face them, trying to make you feel inferior, just like Goliath did to David. Remember who you are, your strengths and where your power lies (David was confident in his strength because he knew he had God on his side, empowering him to win, even when all the odds were against him).

David was willing to step out in faith and face the giant, as he felt that it was what God called him to do and he wanted to show what God was capable of through his actions. He was confident not only facing him, but actually throwing the stone to defeat him.

We need this confidence in life so that when we are faced with life’s many giants, we are able to actually pick up our stones and then not be frozen still in fear, but actually throw them!

For me personally, it is a reminder that nothing is too big for God to help me through and to bring me to a place of victory on the other side of my battles. Maybe for you, it can be a reminder of just how strong you really are, to have faced so many giants in your lifetime and to have still found a way to be victorious in life? 💪💪💪





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